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Преподавателям: поиск литературы для обеспечения учебного процесса (для РПД и модуля «Книгообеспеченность») рекомендуется осуществлять на вкладке «Каталог библиотеки».
Russian electronic scientific journals and databases online

Foreign electronic scientific journals and databases online

In the section there is a fund of remote electronic information resources, the largest Russian and foreign manufacturers, formed by the SFU Scientific Library in the fields of knowledge corresponding to the specialties of the university. As a part of the fund: electronic full-text versions of scientific journals, newspapers and books, conference materials, patent, bibliographic and scientific-metric information. Access to resources was obtained by free subscription (through grants, programs, consortiums, etc.), on paid basis, in test access.See the User Guide. "Electronic Information Resources of the Siberian Federal University"
We bring to users attention a new reference book: "Electronic Information Resources of the University Libraries of Krasnoyarsk".
Access to electronic resources is carried out through the Internet at specified URLs from computers of the SFU network (authorization through IP addresses of SFU).
Siberian Federal University signed the License Agreement regulating the use of electronic resources with each supplier of scientific information. It is allowed to quote, partially copy documents, solely for scientific and educational purposes. It is forbidden to copy everything (for example, downloading full issues of journals for several years in a row), the use of special software to automatically download information. Resource owners clearly control the implementation of the terms of the Agreements.
Fedorova Ekaterina Anatolievna - access administrator to on-line resources of the Scientific Library of the Siberian Federal University:, тел. +7 (391) 2-912-863.