Electronic-library system "IPRbooks"
Resource Address: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/
Access: until 25/12/2019
Sign in: authorization through IP-addresses of SFU
Database: Database with the rubricator: 53 branches / 600 sources / 9 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 9000 first persons. Daily a thousand news in Russian. Millions stories of news agencies and business press for 15 years. The archive of important publications is collected manually. Internet services by industry and countries. Polpred.com is open from all computers of the library and internal net work.
Usage statistics on the polpred.com portal:
- By the Siberian Federal University.
- By countries / cities / federal districts of the Russian Federation.
- By universities and industrial universities.
- By the most popular industries and countries.