Вы смотрите старую версию сайта БИК СФУ. Сайт не обновляется. Новая актуальная версия расположена по адресу bik.sfu-kras.ru.

Working hours of the SibFU Scientific Library

Monday–Friday: 900–1900
Saturday: 900–1700
Sunday is a day off

Electronic library system of "URIGHT" publishing house

Resource Addresshttp://www.biblio-online.ru

DescriptionThe resource provides access to textbooks on economics, natural sciences (including geography, regional studies), technical, humanities and social sciences, published by "Yurayt" publishing house.

Additional materials:

Note: Reading books is possible without registration, but is limited to the number of users reading the book at the same time (no more than five), on the territory of SFU. You need register in the EBS of "Yurayt" publishing house being on the territory of the university to read books and use additional services outside the university.

To the attention of lecturers"Yurayt" publishing house offers to use individual unlimited access to editions from EBS, more details of the subscription terms of lecturers are on the site: http://www.biblio-online.ru/about_ikpp

Режим работы НБ СФУ
Monday–Friday: 900–1900
Saturday: 900–1700
Sunday is a day off
+7 (391) 291-25-74
  © Siberian Federal University