Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
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Access: until 31/12/2017
Sign in: authorization through IP-addresses of SFU
Database: The database of The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre contains data about the structure of crystalline organic and organoelemental compounds (800,000 structures, on-line and off-line versions), a set of programs for biologists, chemists and crystallographers, including:
1) WebCSD (on-line portal to the Cambridge Crystallographic Database) and Relibase + (on-line portal to database on crystal structure of macromolecules) with facilities of comparative analysis, recording and storage of individual parts;
2) CSD-Systemincludes:
- CSD, an annually updated Cambridge Crystallographic database, containing information on the crystalline structure of organic, organoelemental and organometallic compounds);
- ConQuest, the program for searching structural data in CSD, allowing to record and store individual records of the database;
- IsoStar, characteristic parameters library of intermolecular interactions;
- Mercury, the program for visualization and analysis of structural data;
- Mogul, the program for validation of geometry of organic, organoelemental and organometallic compounds.
3) CSD-Enterprise includes:
- DASH, the program for determining the structure of substance from x-ray powder diffraction data;
- GOLD, molecular docking program;
- SuperStar, the program for predicting active centers of macromolecules.
Additional materials: User guide